mardi 2 juin 2015

Anglais/English : goals of the NGO "In Vivo"

Also in french here:

The purpose of the association is to contribute to the understanding of contemporary society, the revival of societal debate, formulation of proposals on cultural, economic, social, environmental or political, local, national or international.

More specifically, the object of the association is:

· Allow the citizen free access to fundamental or complementary knowledge on the subjects mentioned above,

· Support in this context the expression of new lighting, multiple or contradictory on current situations, their historical, on the issues of the coming changes and about the different options to consider developments,

· Observe, analyze, decipher, assess, comment on the guidelines, proposals or decisions emanating from the authorities and local institutions, national or international,

· Encouraging reflection, associate experts and audiences, seek the participation of citizens from civil society in these observational work and the development of complementary or alternative proposals of social change,

The means of action of the association consist mainly in:

· Organize public events: exhibitions, conferences, debates, seminars, trainings

· Develop and distribute a free and pluralistic information,

· Conduct information campaigns.

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